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Other Services


We all know life can be hectic, whether its juggling work and home life or trying to get everyone out the door in the morning. We understand that getting service users to and from the centre can add to these stresses and that is why we offer separate, additional, transport service.


Prices for transport on a return journey are:

< 2 miles (each way) - £3.30 +VAT

2-4 miles (each way) - £4.40 +VAT

4-5 miles (each way) - £5.50 +VAT

>5 miles (each way) - £7.15 +VAT


Please call us to discuss availability



Having a cohesive, multidisciplinary team, all working together to achieve the same desired outcome is essential. We will work alongside other health professionals involved with the service user's care plan which can include attending meetings and reviews, working with SALT, psychologists and behavioural specialists. We are also happy to offer the use of our meeting rooms.


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